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Tuesday 29 April 2014

The Bunny Village

I am a very keen Lionhead owner and truly find this breed of rabbit graceful and very loving to have as a pet . If you r like me you buy one and then you cant stop . Since buying my very first Lionhead I was far from knowing very much about the breed other than they would make a superb pets and loved lots of fuss. My daughter bought 2 Lionheads and I had the other existing brother to that littler of kits. On a visit to the vets I was told that my Lionhead was a seal point (sm ) single mane. We have had lots of fun with him and he was named Kismet. He certainly brings his very own personality to the family and loved to be groomed and cuddled.
 Now after some experience we think he is still a seal point but a broken seal point but I think I need to learn more about colourings.